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Fifa Ultimate Team Best Players For Value

On Fifa 11 Ultimate Team, good players are hard to come by at bargain prices with a vast selection of average ones available. However, i have found that if you look hard enough and with a lot of trial and error you can find some quality players. There are the obvious ones such as the likes of Messi and Ronaldo but the average FUT player doesnt have the funds available for these. Trust me when i say this, Ronaldo isnt as good as you think. What i have found to be most effective is a 100 chemistry team with good links and a player in every position who has good stats that are required for that certain position.For example, a striker with decent pace, shooting and heading or a defender with good heading and defence.

Some of these players are:
- Chellini, CB Juventus 5-11k
- Palop, GK Sevilla 0-1k
- Cavani, ST Napoli 80= 0-1k 84,86,87= 10k+
- Lavezzi, CF Napoli 0-1k
- Bent, ST Aston Villa/Sunderland 1-3k
- Bojan, CF Barcelona 0-1k
- Dzeko, ST Wolfsburg/Man City 3-5k
- Carroll,ST Liverpool version 3-6k
- Gallas,CB Tottenham 0-2k
- Richards, RB Man City 0-4k
- Kolo Toure, CB Man City 3-7k

Different players will be effective depending on your team and chemistry. Once the right balance is found these players are much better than what they are worth.

I hope this has helped you on Fifa 11 Ultimate Team. The next part of the series will be focusing on the best leagues and teams to use.

Thank you for reading!

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