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PSN still down, why has it taken so long?

PSN is/was down due to hackers, sort it out Sony.I dont know about you, but i am getting sick and tired of Sony restricting me from enjoying the three hundred pound console i bought from them. The majority of the games that i play have online features which enhance it tremendously. As a Fifa Ultimate Team addict im getting withdrawal symptoms by the second. How sad right?

No matter how sad us gamers are, four days is not good enough.Would Microsoft really get affected with all the millions of pounds they have? Would they have a plan b? One thing is for sure, Sony have handled it like amateurs. Its as if they are not prepared to be hacked by some snotty nosed geeks behind their suped up computers.

After the ordeal with Geohotz, a notorious hacker, it was all over the gaming news that Sony were expecting a revenge attack on their system by a group of protesting hackers. Sony prepared so well that their system has been down for days and they have their tail in between their legs.

Some might argue that it's a perfect opportunity to get out and have some fun. Hey! PS3 is fun, why do you think i was playing it? It's understandable that these non gamers think like this, but gamers like me are in agony as we test the network every few hours hoping to sign on.

There has been no set date for the return of the vulnerable network but its an exhilarating thought to get my hands back on that controller. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony couldn't sort this out within a week.However, maybe this will be beneficial in the sense that i might just appreciate PSN that little bit more.

It would be nice to hear your views on the subject in the comments as I am sure there are many of you who have been affected by this. Personally, I think that although we get the service for free, a huge company like Sony should not be prone to attacks like this.

With such emphasis on the console war within the last few years, not only Xbox users but Microsoft itself now have a good reason for their argument of "Xbox 360's have far better on-line than PS3'S". With this new ammunition, I do not think that Sony will be able to make ground on Microsoft unless they bring out new features etc.

Thank You For Reading.
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Fifa Ultimate Team Best Players For Value

On Fifa 11 Ultimate Team, good players are hard to come by at bargain prices with a vast selection of average ones available. However, i have found that if you look hard enough and with a lot of trial and error you can find some quality players. There are the obvious ones such as the likes of Messi and Ronaldo but the average FUT player doesnt have the funds available for these. Trust me when i say this, Ronaldo isnt as good as you think. What i have found to be most effective is a 100 chemistry team with good links and a player in every position who has good stats that are required for that certain position.For example, a striker with decent pace, shooting and heading or a defender with good heading and defence.

Some of these players are:
- Chellini, CB Juventus 5-11k
- Palop, GK Sevilla 0-1k
- Cavani, ST Napoli 80= 0-1k 84,86,87= 10k+
- Lavezzi, CF Napoli 0-1k
- Bent, ST Aston Villa/Sunderland 1-3k
- Bojan, CF Barcelona 0-1k
- Dzeko, ST Wolfsburg/Man City 3-5k
- Carroll,ST Liverpool version 3-6k
- Gallas,CB Tottenham 0-2k
- Richards, RB Man City 0-4k
- Kolo Toure, CB Man City 3-7k

Different players will be effective depending on your team and chemistry. Once the right balance is found these players are much better than what they are worth.

I hope this has helped you on Fifa 11 Ultimate Team. The next part of the series will be focusing on the best leagues and teams to use.

Thank you for reading!
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Gran Turismo 5 Review

Gran Turismo 5, GT5, is one of the most anticipated games of the year but did it really live up to this expectation?

Personally, i think it has lived up to its name and more, with mouth watering graphics and immense drivng simulation that could make you pass your driving test, it is a speed freaks dream. From bombing down a 3 mile road at 250 mph to hurling yourself round acute turns in a lightweight go-kart, every age group is catered for. Saying that, the exhilaration of each race might just tip an 80 year old over the edge or even make a 2 year old want to do a few laps around the living room.


Lets get started on the gameplay. Whether you are getting your MOT at your local garage, or changing your oil in your latest Bugatti Veyron, you can do everything you can do in a real garage on GT5. With detailed animations of garage workers mending your car and with the option to browse and buy a massive selection of second hand cars for bargain prices, every spendable point you earn will feel as rewarding as the last. For example, in the dealership you can buy a brand new Audi A4 for around £50,000 but in the second hand dealership you can buy the same car for around £20,000. The only difference is the mileage and maybe the chipped paint, but you will find yourself taking advantage of the reduced prices far more than the high first hand ones.

There is far more to the game than buying cars, with a-spec and b-spec options this game will take a long time to complete. A-spec mode is the traditonal dog eat dog lap race in which you have full control. However, a highly controversial feature is the b-spec mode, where you control a CPU controlled driver, giving orders and commands, but ultimately you sit back and watch a unrealistically bad driver ruin your perfect 100% win record. Although you can rank up the brainless driver, he never compares to the human holding the controller. The majority of the features I have mentioned are predominately in the GT mode which is not all you can do on the near perfect game.

Game Modes

The game modes include GT mode, arcade, online and 2 player. Although you might play with your friends in 2 player or online modes, i am convinced that a large bulk of your time on the game will be spent trying to get the best cars and drivers in GT mode. There is not much else to be said about the other game modes as they are pretty self explanatory.

Final thoughts

Ultimately, i feel that Gran Turismo 5 satisfies every element that is required for a driving game of this stature. In comparison to Need For Speed, its main competitor, GT5 exceeds it in nearly every way. For example, the graphics are far more realistic than those of NFS as they express every curve and every mark,scratch or dent of each individual car. As for the environment, i think that NFS and GT5 are on par together which doesnt have a great impact as you do not really buy a racing game for the blurred environment surrounding the cars as you whizz past at 200 mph. In NFS, it is clear that EA have put more effort into a storyline rather than GT5's emphasis on the aspect of real life that they have incorporated.

My Rating 

GT5's quality makes it very easy for me to rate it, from graphics to gameplay to the immense re-playability factor it deserves a 5/5.


For more information watch this video

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Team Update

Hi guys i have now added 88 David Villa to my team in a trade for my IF Pedro with an additional 50k , comment if you think it was a good trade:)
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My Ultimate Team

This is a quick update on my Ultimate Team:







CAM:Xabi Alonso

RM:IF Reyes


ST:IF Benzema


IF= Updated or In-Form
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Blog News

Hi guys i have decided that i am going to do a series on Fifa 11 Ultimate Team which will include:

Best players for value
Best players to trade
Effective teams
Update on my team

Thanks for reading!

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Why You Should Play FIFA 11 Ultimate Team

Along with many fellow gamers I am a self confessed Ultimate Team addict on Fifa 11. Ultimate team for Fifa 11 is in my opinion one of the most addictive,rewarding and satisfying free gaming experiences i have ever encountered through all of my years of gaming.Let me tell you why.


The gameplay on the ultimate team game mode is immense as it combines both the business side of football and the impeccable finesse of every pass,shot,header and more. It is obvious that EA Sports have really paid attention to detail as every touch has an objective and a consequence.Another enticing feature in the game is the variety of realistic shots,celebrations and players etc which really gets you involved and brings you within metres of the play, almost as if you were Harry Redknapp calling the shots or even Lionel Messi putting the ball through the centre backs legs.The business side of the game is very time consuming but amazingly rewarding,from bargain hunters to shrewd business men the market will appeal to gamers of all ages.I would advise that beginners spend a lot of time and coins in the market as opposing to splashing the cash on packs as the chance of getting a Ronaldo or Messi are very slim.In my opinion the general gameplay gets a well deserved 10/10.

Earlier ultimate teams vs Fifa 11

Since the ancient days of the first ultimate team on Fifa 09, Fifa 11 has come on leaps and bounds with more new exciting features and endless improvements. For example, on Fifa 09 the frustrating player improvement feature got under my skin day in day out as an originally rated team of 70 could be upgraded to 99 and destroy any team in their path.Therefore, destroying the marketplace along with it as many players lost value and the cards from packs were worthless(everyone except the in demand Ronaldo or Messi of course). Another embarrassing feature was the ridiculous auction time periods. 3 hours to 3 days , who wants to wait that long? I know I certainly don't.And when the cards finally got to within seconds of ending, it was a bidding frenzy as the time never refreshed, it only continued so nobody knew who received the player.This was a flaw that had to be sorted out. In Fifa 10 ultimate team, many of the Fifa 09 problems were resolved but it still contained features that could have been improved rather easily. One of the features that Fifa 11 built on from Fifa 10 was the multiple squads which allows you to broaden your horizons with the teams available to you whereas in  Fifa 09 and 10 you were limited to one team. Overall, Fifa 11 is by far the most advanced Ultimate Team yet and adds tremendously to the already fantastic Fifa 11.

Final Thoughts

In my opinion Fifa 11 Ultimate Team is a must have in sport gaming as it has so many elements to it which will keep you occupied for months on end. Also, it is extremely rewarding when you end up with a good team that you can win with but it requires a lot of work unless you get lucky in packs.

My Rating

Fifa 11 Ultimate Team gets a modest 5/5 as it satisfies everything i ask for in a game


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